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Link Redux

A Link to the Web

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Use this to enable Link in React. It provides components to build data-independent semantic applications for the human consumption of linked data with React and Redux.

To transform your Rails application into a linked-data serving beast, see our Active Model Serializers plugin.

This was built at Argu, if you like what we do, these technologies or open data, send us a mail.


npm install link-lib link-redux rdflib V yarn add link-lib link-redux rdflib


See the TODO app for a live example and the source for the implementation. Mind that it isn't connected to a back-end, so it's only a demo for the view rendering mechanism.

Road to stable

We're busy working towards a stable version of link lib/redux, since there are a lot of changes, the documentation might be outdated, if behaviour doesn't seem consistent take a look at the tests or create an issue.


First off, only very basic knowledge of the underlying technologies (RDF and REST) is required to build applications with Link. It'll provide you with the benefits of hypermedia, while abstracting some of the difficulties.

Link was designed to work with RDF and REST (including HATEOAS) principles, therefore it has a different architecture than the general react app. This is in large part due to the open world assumption causing us to handle uncertainty about the shape of the data that we're going to get from the server.

Though it's easy to just render a table and call it a day, to create rich, interactive applications, we have to make some assumptions about the data, but when building a Link application, you should still be able to render data from a variety of data sources while being able to tune UX for the most important use-cases.

Due to those constraints, part of the application logic resides in the views themselves. There are different types of views to handle the different use cases which the constraints impose.

Topology providers

Think of these as UI API definitions. These should set the UI limits of a component, and the general props that can be passed to them.

To identify the different topologies in your app. Take a look at your design and identify the places where data is rendered in different formats. Well known UI-library components (article, button, list item, table cell) should come to mind, as well as components specced in wire frames (page, menu, sidebar, hover popup, etc). Over time, as your app develops, these can become quite plentiful. If there are too many, consider redesigning some parts to simplify its core structure.

Let's take the last one, hover bubble. A user hovers over a link and a bubble should appear with a preview.

`JSX Harmony import { TopologyProvider } from 'link-redux';


  • Define an IRI for the topology. It's handy to use the app namespace since the topology is probably
  • app specific. However, when building a UI library, an iri of that library would be more useful
  • since the layout requirements (css) of each component would be fully documented. */ export const popupTopology = NS.app('topologies/popup');


  • This component is to set the topology. In the real world, it'd be used in a component which
  • manages the portal to render the popup. Documentation can be used to define which props can be
  • expected by components rendered under this topology. In this case a close method for closing the
  • popup could be useful. */ class Popup extends TopologyProvider { constructor(props) { super(props);

    // Set the topology for all children to the newly defined. this.topology = popupTopology; // It's possible to set a class name on the wrapping component. this.className = 'Bubble--container'; }

    // The render method is completely optional render() { // Since a popup always renders a new resource, we'll override rendering to set a new // microdata context.

    // This property also works out of the box, defaulting to a div. const elem = this.elementType;

    return this.wrap((subject) => {

     <elem className={this.className} resource={subject && subject.value}>

    }); } } `

Mounting this component in the tree will cause any child to be resolved in the new topology. Be sure to register a component with it, otherwise no view can be found an an error will occur. appropriate format.

Resource renderers

To tell link to fetch and render a resource, just mount a LinkedResourceContainer (LRC) anywhere in your react app. Because the component will try to render every IRI passed, a good place for the initial mount would be in the router, especially the fallback route. If choosing to use the LRC as a router, make sure all your resources are resolvable (including the fragment), otherwise a 404 will occur.

`JSX Harmony import { namedNodeByIRI, LinkedResourceContainer } from 'link-redux';

class OurTeamPage extends React.PureComponent { /* details omitted */

render() { /**

* We use `Grid` here to communicate to the resolved views what their environment is, based on
* the registered views for their class (probably <schema:Person>) they'll probably render as a
* card with their profile picture, name and a small description.
* The LRC component expects `subject` to be an instance of rdflib/NamedNode. Obtain one by either:
* - Using a namespace, e.g. NS.app('person/alice')
* - Using namedNodeByIRI to get one from a string
* NOTE: Using new NamedNode() from rdflib WILL NOT WORK(!) due to implementation details.
return (
    <h1>Our team:</h1>
        <LinkedResourceContainer subject={NS.app('person/alice')} />
        <LinkedResourceContainer subject={namedNodeByIRI('https://example.com/person/bob')} />

} }

So all the underlying logic of managing API calls, data fetching, views selecting etc will be 
handled by the `LinkedResourceContainer` component. To show a loading indicator (or an error) for
grid mounted resources while alice and bob are loading, see [Loading and error handling](https://github.com/fletcher91/link-redux#loading-and-error-handling).

#### Property renderers
Property renderers are akin to resource renderers, but they work with one or more properties of a 
resource, rather than an entire resource. This can be useful in a diverse range of use cases;
* When wanting to separate the main resource implementation from property rendering to keep individual components clean.
* When the range (value) of a property isn't known yet - e.g. it could be a number or an entire nested resource.
* When a range of similar properties is appropriate in a location, but only one should be displayed - e.g. <schema:name>, <rdfs:label>, <foaf:name>
* When combining multiple properties into a single view - e.g. geo-coordinates (latd, latm, latns, longd, longew, longm)

When a property has no view registered, and the resolved value is a NamedNode (a link/href), it'll 
automatically mount a LinkedResourceContainer so the nested resource is rendered.

```JSX Harmony
import { Property } from 'link-redux';
const nameTypes = [NS.schema('name'), NS.foaf('name')];

class PersonGrid extends React.PureComponent {
  /* details omitted */

  render() {
    // The label defines which properties we like to render.
    return (
        <Property label={[NS.schema('name'), NS.foaf('name')]} />

class PersonName extends React.PureComponent {
  /* details omitted */

  render() {
    // The value of the property is passed to property renderers as `linkedProp`, note that it is a
    // RDFLib Literal object, to get the string representation call `linkedProp.value` e.g. 'Alice'
    return (


Last but not least, link has its own middleware stack. Each component can call lrs.exec(iri, payload) to execute an action. By default, unhandled actions are passed to the execActionByIRI method which will try to execute a resource if it were a http://schema.org/Action resource as per the hypermedia API documentation, which allows you to declaratively describe HTTP actions to be done in your application.

Futhermore, if the server responds with the Exec-Action header, the server can execute an action in the front-end (e.g. trigger some popup to perform a required action). This is what sets it apart from just using redux for state management, since it allows the front-end to execute actions on far more data than a client device could calculate, resulting in more powerful experiences without duplicating logic as well.

The following example implements the state management for a popup, the processDelta calls are what change the state. The syntax is somewhat verbose for middleware this size, but the overhead is acceptable for real-world implementations, since you shouldn't need a lot of these methods (most actions should be handled automatically with the hypermedia API).

`JSX Harmony // src/middleware/popup.js import { memoizedNamespace, namedNodeByIRI } from 'link-lib'; import { Literal, Statement } from 'rdflib';

const PopupMiddleware = (store) => { // Define a new namespace for our popup system const popup = memoizedNamespace(store.namespaces.app('popup')); // Make the namespace available throughout the app store.namespaces.popup = popup; // Set up the state in the store, e.g. which resource to render and if it should be shown store.processDelta([ new Statement( popup('manager'), store.namespaces.rdf('type'), popup('PopupManager'), store.namespaces.ll('replace') // See https://github.com/argu-co/linked-delta for the exact meaning ), new Statement( popup('manager'), popup('resource'), undefined, store.namespaces.ll('replace') ), new Statement( popup('manager'), popup('open'), Literal.fromBoolean(false), store.namespaces.ll('replace') ), ]);


  • A helper function which defines how the state should be modified. */ const showPopup = (iri) => { store.processDelta([ new Statement(


    ), new Statement(


    ), ]); return Promise.resolve(); };

    const hidePopup = () => { store.processDelta([ new Statement(


    ), ]); return Promise.resolve(); }

    // It's useful to always return a promise (e.g. use async if you have ESnext), so the caller // can do stuff after the middleware is done. return next => (iri, opts) => { // Skip non-popup actions if (!iri.value.startsWith(popup().value)) { return next(iri, opts); }

    // Display a popup if (iri.value.startsWith(iri.value.startsWith(popup('show').value))) { const resource = new URL(iri.value).searchParams.get('resource');

    return showPopup(resource); }

    // Its a popup action, but not a display, so default to hiding return hidePopup(); }; }; `

After setting up, you can wrap your favorite popup library with the link method to retrieve the state from the store;

`JSX Harmony // Mount <LinkedResourceContainer subject={NS.popup('manager')} /> somewhere in your app

import { LinkedResourceContainer } from 'link-redux'; import { NS } from '../LRS.jsx';

class PopupManager extends React.PureComponent { static type = NS.popup('PopupManager');

static mapDataToProps = [NS.popup('resource'), NS.popup('open')];

render() { const { open, resource } = this.props;

if (open.value === 'false') {
  return null;

// The <Popup /> wrapper here is a TopologyProvider. If we were lazy, we could omit this and set
//  the `topology` prop on LinkedResourceContainer, but consistency is maintainability.
return (

} }

export default register(PopupManager);

## Basic Usage

### 1. Set up the store
Create a helper to set up an instance of [the `LinkedRenderStore`](https://fletcher91.github.io/link-lib/classes/linkedrenderstore.html)
to use in your application;
// src/LRS.js
import { createStore, memoizedNamespace } from 'link-lib';
import { FRONTEND_URL } from './config';

* We have a helper function to initialize the store, the first param is config (default should 
* suffice), the second is an array of middleware, the default terminating middleware calls the 
* schema:Action executor [`LRS#execActionByIRI`](https://github.com/fletcher91/link-lib/wiki/Hypermedia-API).
const LRS = createStore({}, [
  * This middleware logs all actions passed.
  * _lrs The live store once initialized.
  * next The next middleware, not calling this will terminate the middleware flow for that action.
  * (a, o) The action IRI and an unspecified payload respectively.
  (lrs) => next => (a, o) => {
      console.log(`Link action '${a}' passed down`);
      return next(a, o);

 * If the app is programmed for a specific backend, it's useful to add it to the namespaces so that
 * it can be used for (hard-coded) entry points.
LRS.namespaces.api = memoizedNamespace(FRONTEND_URL);

 * Set up your own namespace for (virtual) app-specific properties (this might be the same as the
 * api). These SHOULD NOT be shared and have app-specific semantics.
 * Virtual properties are useful for creating behaviour separate from data-source, while still using
 * the same interface.
LRS.namespaces.app = memoizedNamespace(FRONTEND_URL);

export const NS = LRS.namespaces;

* It's useful to have a central source of valid application topologies. This also provides a 
* location to document the intended usage.
* A common issue when beginning with link is forgetting to set the correct topology(ies), so 
* defaulting to registering views under all topologies can prevent a lot of headaches. Mind that
* over-registering might cause the wrong view to be rendered rather than none at all.
export const allTopologies = [
  // This defaults to the `DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY` from link-lib
  // Generally used to mean that the resource is the main content on the page.
  // The resource/property is rendered within the navigation menu (e.g. as a `li`)
  // The resource/prop is rendered in a table (e.g. as a single row within the table).
  // The resource/prop is rendered in a row (e.g. as a single cell within the row).
  // The resource/prop is rendered in a cell (e.g. as a raw value or some small representation).

* Include this function so you can't forget a topology by registering all but those explicitly 
* handled by other components.
export function allTopologiesExcept(...topologies) {
  const filtered = allTopologies.slice();
  topologies.forEach((t) => {
    const i = filtered.indexOf(t);
    if (i !== -1) {
      filtered.splice(i, 1);

  return filtered;

export default LRS;

2. Add some views

Write some views to render resources:

`JSX harmony import LinkedRenderStore, { RENDER_CLASS_NAME } from 'link-lib'; import { link, register, Property, LinkedResourceContainer } from 'link-redux'; import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import FontAwesome from 'react-fontawesome';

import { NS } from './LRS';

class Thing extends React.PureComponent { static type = NS.schema('Thing');


  • This function automatically wraps your component with the link method to bind your component
  • to store data (like connect in redux). */ static mapDataToProps = [ NS.schema('text'), NS.schema('creator'), ];

    render() { const { creator, text } = this.props;

    return (

    // Delegate the rendering of the name to another dynamically resolved component


    ); } }

class ThingNavigation extends React.PureComponent { static type = NS.schema('Thing');

static mapDataToProps = [NS.schema('name')];

static topology = NS.app('navigation');

static linkOpts = { returnType: 'value', // We don't need the objects, just their values for this view, see {link} for all options. };

render() { // The subject prop is always given to rendered views so it can link to itself. const { name, subject } = this.props;

return (
    <Link to={subject}> // Not to be confused with the {link} HOC.

} }


  • Properties without being connected via the link function recieve their prop's value via linkedProp
  • As you can see, components don't have to be classes, but can be function components as well. */ const ThingName = ({ linkedProp }) =>



ThingName.type = NS.schema('Thing'); ThingName.property = NS.schema('name'); /**

  • We'll bind all known topologies to this component, rather than the larger components since it has
  • less chance to overflow out of bounds.
  • We can use undefined here as a shortcut for the default as well (bound to the Thing component). */ ThingName.topology = allTopologiesExcept(undefined, NS.app('navigation'), );

// We want to show whether it's the users' birthday const PersonName = ({ birthDay, name }) => { const birthdayIcon = isToday(birthDay) ? : null;



; }


  • We need to wrap our component with the register call to make them acceptable for {LinkedRenderStore::registerRenderer}
  • Note that it doesn't return a react component, but a plain object, so it can't be wrapped in HOC's after this. / export default [ register(Thing), register(ThingNavigation), register(ThingName), /*
  • The only thing register does is mapping the component and static properties onto the underlying
  • function, so if you want your component to serve for multiple configurations, you can just call
  • it manually. */ LinkedRenderStore.registerRenderer( link( [NS.schema('name'), NS.schema('birthDate')], { returnType: 'value' } // We can adjust whether we get passed (string) values, Nodes, Statements. )(PersonName), NS.schema('Person'), NS.schema('name'), NS.app('topologies/preview') ), ]; `

3. Wire the views into the store

Register the views so link can resolve them when the data comes in;

`JSX harmony import LRS from './LRS';

import Thing from './views';


  • Notice the spread (...) operator, this is because the (default) export of ./views returns an
  • array rather than a single ComponentRegistration array (returned by
  • LinkedRenderStore.registerRenderer), but registerAll doesn't handle deeply nested arrays, so
  • they should be spread either here, or in the views.
  • CAUTION: This is the LinkedRenderStore app instance, not class from link-lib. */ LRS.registerAll( ...Thing, );

### 4. Enable the store
Now that we have views, lets enable link in the React tree with our `LinkedRenderStore` instance:

```JSX harmony
import { RenderStoreProvider } from 'link-redux';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
import LRS from './LRS';

// Either with react-router, or without and just take the current location (but listen for pushstate).
const App = ReactRouter
  ? withRouter(() => <LinkedResourceContainer subject={} />)         
  : () => <LinkedResourceContainer subject={namedNodeByIRI(window.location.href)} />;

export default () => (
  <RenderStoreProvider value={LRS}>
    <Router history={example}>
      <App /> 

5. Start the application

It should render (and fetch) resources passed as subject to a LinkedResourceContainer (The type of subject MUST be a NamedNode instance, e.g. NS.api('todos/5')).

Note that each LinkedResourceContainer also acts as a React error boundary, so errors should automatically be contained rather than crash your entire app.

Further usage

Loading and error handling

Since all data fetching is handled at deeper layers, link also exposes some API's to render different views when an error occurred or when component is loading. Just register a component under NS.ll('ErrorResource') for error handling and NS.ll('LoadingResource') for loading states respectively. Different views can be registered for different topologies as well.

`JSX Harmony class ThingNavigation extends React.PureComponent { // The magical type to catch errors. static type = NS.ll('ErrorResource');

// We can switch views so it renders with appropriate formatting for its location. static topology = NS.app('navigation');

render() { // Components rendered when an error occur have some additional props. const { // The error caught (if any) if this was caused by an error boundary rather than a fetch error. caughtError, // The request status of the underlying resource, see {LinkedDataApi#getStatus}. linkRequestStatus, // Call to clear the {subject}'s data and fetch the resource again. reloadLinkedObject, // A function to reset the error state of the LRC. Useful in conjecture with reloadLinkedObject. reset, // The IRI of the resource being rendered. subject, } = this.props;

return (
  <li onClick={}>Something went wrong, click to try again</li>

} }

### Datatype rendering
It's also possible to render different views for object literals, like you can resolve views for 
resources dynamically, especially handy when the range of the statement can be multiple types and 
maintaining a giant switch statement isn't to your liking;

```JSX Harmony
class DollarTableCell extends React.PureComponent {
  // Set the type to Literal to render individual values.
  static type = NS.rdfs("Literal");

  * The `property` field now acts to resolve the data type rather than the predicate.
  * In this case, the dbpedia `usDollar` type.
  static property = NS.dbdt("usDollar");

  // Here too, we can adjust rendering for the appropriate context.
  static topology = NS.app('tableCell');

  render() {
    const literalVal = Number(this.props.linkedProp.value)

    // Use some money library to format the currency
    return (
        {Money.format(literalVal, 'USD')}

String IRI to NamedNode

It sometimes happens that you recieve an IRI in string form (e.g. window.location.href) which needs to be converted to a link-enabled NamedNode, you MUST use the provided function namedNodeByIRI; for this, since we work around the default RDFlib.js NamedNode constuctor for performance reasons.


Most components wouldn't be very useful if they can only render one type of term. Therefore, most of the methods accept an array of terms as well: `jsx harmony LinkedRenderStore.registerRenderer(Thing, [NS.schema('Thing'), NS.owl('Thing')]);

```jsx harmony
<Property label={[NS.schema('name'), NS.rdfs('label')]} />




Type aliases



Object literals

Type aliases


LabelType: NamedNode | NamedNode[]

Types & Composite types



LinkReduxLRSType: LinkedRenderStore<ReactType>


LinkReturnType: "term" | "statement" | "literal" | "value"


LinkedPropType: NamedNode | BlankNode | Literal | SomeTerm[]


MapDataToPropsParam: MapDataToPropsParamObject | NamedNode[]


Omit: Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>


PropertyWrappedProps: PropertyPropTypes & Partial<LinkCtxOverrides> & Required<SubjectProp>


PropsWithOptLinkProps: Overwrite<Omit<P, keyof UninheritableLinkCtxProps>, Partial<SubjectProp & TopologyProp>>



SubjectType: SomeNode


TopologyContextType: NamedNode | undefined


TopologyRenderer: function

Type declaration

    • (subject: SomeNode): React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]
    • Parameters

      • subject: SomeNode

      Returns React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]


TopologyType: TopologyContextType | null


UninheritableLinkCtxProps: LinkCtxOverrides & LinkedRenderStoreContext


higherOrderWrapper: function

Type declaration

    • (c: ComponentType<TNeedsProps>): ComponentType<TNeedsProps>
    • Parameters

      • c: ComponentType<TNeedsProps>

      Returns ComponentType<TNeedsProps>



Consumer: ExoticComponent<ConsumerProps<LinkRenderContext>>

Const LRSCtx

LRSCtx: Context<LinkedRenderStore<"symbol" | "object" | "a" | "abbr" | "address" | "area" | "article" | "aside" | "audio" | "b" | "base" | "bdi" | "bdo" | "big" | "blockquote" | "body" | "br" | "button" | "canvas" | "caption" | "cite" | "code" | "col" | "colgroup" | "data" | "datalist" | "dd" | "del" | "details" | "dfn" | "dialog" | "div" | "dl" | "dt" | "em" | "embed" | "fieldset" | "figcaption" | "figure" | "footer" | "form" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "head" | "header" | "hgroup" | "hr" | "html" | "i" | "iframe" | "img" | "input" | "ins" | "kbd" | "keygen" | "label" | "legend" | "li" | "link" | "main" | "map" | "mark" | "menu" | "menuitem" | "meta" | "meter" | "nav" | "noindex" | "noscript" | "ol" | "optgroup" | "option" | "output" | "p" | "param" | "picture" | "pre" | "progress" | "q" | "rp" | "rt" | "ruby" | "s" | "samp" | "script" | "section" | "select" | "small" | "source" | "span" | "strong" | "style" | "sub" | "summary" | "sup" | "table" | "tbody" | "td" | "textarea" | "tfoot" | "th" | "thead" | "time" | "title" | "tr" | "track" | "u" | "ul" | "var" | "video" | "wbr" | "webview" | "svg" | "animate" | "animateMotion" | "animateTransform" | "circle" | "clipPath" | "defs" | "desc" | "ellipse" | "feBlend" | "feColorMatrix" | "feComponentTransfer" | "feComposite" | "feConvolveMatrix" | "feDiffuseLighting" | "feDisplacementMap" | "feDistantLight" | "feDropShadow" | "feFlood" | "feFuncA" | "feFuncB" | "feFuncG" | "feFuncR" | "feGaussianBlur" | "feImage" | "feMerge" | "feMergeNode" | "feMorphology" | "feOffset" | "fePointLight" | "feSpecularLighting" | "feSpotLight" | "feTile" | "feTurbulence" | "filter" | "foreignObject" | "g" | "image" | "line" | "linearGradient" | "marker" | "mask" | "metadata" | "mpath" | "path" | "pattern" | "polygon" | "polyline" | "radialGradient" | "rect" | "stop" | "switch" | "text" | "textPath" | "tspan" | "use" | "view" | ComponentClass<any, any> | FunctionComponent<any>>> = React.createContext<LinkReduxLRSType>(undefined!)

Const LinkRenderCtx

LinkRenderCtx: Context<LinkRenderContext> = React.createContext<LinkRenderContext>({subject: undefined!,topology: DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY,},)

Const LinkedResourceContainer

LinkedResourceContainer: MemoExoticComponent<LRC> = React.memo(LRC)

Const Property

Property: MemoExoticComponent<Prop> = React.memo(Prop)


Provider: ProviderExoticComponent<ProviderProps<LinkRenderContext>>

Const blankNodeWarn

blankNodeWarn: "Cannot load a blank node since it has no defined way to be resolved." = "Cannot load a blank node since it has no defined way to be resolved."

Const converters

converters: URLConverterSet = {dbpedia: {convert: (iri: string) => `http://dbpedia.org/data/${iri.split("//dbpedia.org/resource/").pop()}`,match: "^[a-zA-Z]{3,5}://dbpedia.org/resource/",},} as URLConverterSet

Const globalLinkOptsDefaults

globalLinkOptsDefaults: LinkOpts = {forceRender: false,label: undefined,limit: 1,name: undefined,returnType: "term",} as LinkOpts

Const labelType

labelType: Requireable<NamedNode | (null | NamedNode)[]> = ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(NamedNode),ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(NamedNode)),])

Const linkType

linkType: Requireable<string | NamedNode | BlankNode | Literal | Statement | (null | NamedNode)[] | (null | BlankNode)[] | (null | Literal)[] | (null | Statement)[] | (null | string)[]> = ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(NamedNode),ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(BlankNode),ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(Literal),ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(Statement),ReactPropTypes.string,ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(NamedNode)),ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(BlankNode)),ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(Literal)),ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(Statement)),ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(ReactPropTypes.string),])

Const linkedPropType

linkedPropType: Requireable<NamedNode | BlankNode | Literal> = ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(NamedNode),ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(BlankNode),ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(Literal),])

Const lrsType

lrsType: Requireable<LinkedRenderStore<Object>> = ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(LinkedRenderStore)

Const namedOrBlankNode

namedOrBlankNode: Requireable<NamedNode | BlankNode> = ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(NamedNode),ReactPropTypes.instanceOf(BlankNode),])

Const nodeTypes

nodeTypes: string[] = ["NamedNode", "BlankNode"]

Const subjectType

subjectType: Requireable<NamedNode | BlankNode> = namedOrBlankNode

Const topologyType

topologyType: Requireable<NamedNode | BlankNode> = namedOrBlankNode



  • LRC(props: PropTypes, _?: any): ReactElement<any> | null



  • RenderStoreProvider(__namedParameters: object): FunctionComponentElement<ProviderProps<LinkedRenderStore<"symbol" | "object" | "a" | "abbr" | "address" | "area" | "article" | "aside" | "audio" | "b" | "base" | "bdi" | "bdo" | "big" | "blockquote" | "body" | "br" | "button" | "canvas" | "caption" | "cite" | "code" | "col" | "colgroup" | "data" | "datalist" | "dd" | "del" | "details" | "dfn" | "dialog" | "div" | "dl" | "dt" | "em" | "embed" | "fieldset" | "figcaption" | "figure" | "footer" | "form" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "head" | "header" | "hgroup" | "hr" | "html" | "i" | "iframe" | "img" | "input" | "ins" | "kbd" | "keygen" | "label" | "legend" | "li" | "link" | "main" | "map" | "mark" | "menu" | "menuitem" | "meta" | "meter" | "nav" | "noindex" | "noscript" | "ol" | "optgroup" | "option" | "output" | "p" | "param" | "picture" | "pre" | "progress" | "q" | "rp" | "rt" | "ruby" | "s" | "samp" | "script" | "section" | "select" | "small" | "source" | "span" | "strong" | "style" | "sub" | "summary" | "sup" | "table" | "tbody" | "td" | "textarea" | "tfoot" | "th" | "thead" | "time" | "title" | "tr" | "track" | "u" | "ul" | "var" | "video" | "wbr" | "webview" | "svg" | "animate" | "animateMotion" | "animateTransform" | "circle" | "clipPath" | "defs" | "desc" | "ellipse" | "feBlend" | "feColorMatrix" | "feComponentTransfer" | "feComposite" | "feConvolveMatrix" | "feDiffuseLighting" | "feDisplacementMap" | "feDistantLight" | "feDropShadow" | "feFlood" | "feFuncA" | "feFuncB" | "feFuncG" | "feFuncR" | "feGaussianBlur" | "feImage" | "feMerge" | "feMergeNode" | "feMorphology" | "feOffset" | "fePointLight" | "feSpecularLighting" | "feSpotLight" | "feTile" | "feTurbulence" | "filter" | "foreignObject" | "g" | "image" | "line" | "linearGradient" | "marker" | "mask" | "metadata" | "mpath" | "path" | "pattern" | "polygon" | "polyline" | "radialGradient" | "rect" | "stop" | "switch" | "text" | "textPath" | "tspan" | "use" | "view" | ComponentClass<any, any> | FunctionComponent<any>>>>
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: object
      • children: string | number | ReactElement<any, string | function | object>
      • value: LinkedRenderStore<"symbol" | "object" | "a" | "abbr" | "address" | "area" | "article" | "aside" | "audio" | "b" | "base" | "bdi" | "bdo" | "big" | "blockquote" | "body" | "br" | "button" | "canvas" | "caption" | "cite" | "code" | "col" | "colgroup" | "data" | "datalist" | "dd" | "del" | "details" | "dfn" | "dialog" | "div" | "dl" | "dt" | "em" | "embed" | "fieldset" | "figcaption" | "figure" | "footer" | "form" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "head" | "header" | "hgroup" | "hr" | "html" | "i" | "iframe" | "img" | "input" | "ins" | "kbd" | "keygen" | "label" | "legend" | "li" | "link" | "main" | "map" | "mark" | "menu" | "menuitem" | "meta" | "meter" | "nav" | "noindex" | "noscript" | "ol" | "optgroup" | "option" | "output" | "p" | "param" | "picture" | "pre" | "progress" | "q" | "rp" | "rt" | "ruby" | "s" | "samp" | "script" | "section" | "select" | "small" | "source" | "span" | "strong" | "style" | "sub" | "summary" | "sup" | "table" | "tbody" | "td" | "textarea" | "tfoot" | "th" | "thead" | "time" | "title" | "tr" | "track" | "u" | "ul" | "var" | "video" | "wbr" | "webview" | "svg" | "animate" | "animateMotion" | "animateTransform" | "circle" | "clipPath" | "defs" | "desc" | "ellipse" | "feBlend" | "feColorMatrix" | "feComponentTransfer" | "feComposite" | "feConvolveMatrix" | "feDiffuseLighting" | "feDisplacementMap" | "feDistantLight" | "feDropShadow" | "feFlood" | "feFuncA" | "feFuncB" | "feFuncG" | "feFuncR" | "feGaussianBlur" | "feImage" | "feMerge" | "feMergeNode" | "feMorphology" | "feOffset" | "fePointLight" | "feSpecularLighting" | "feSpotLight" | "feTile" | "feTurbulence" | "filter" | "foreignObject" | "g" | "image" | "line" | "linearGradient" | "marker" | "mask" | "metadata" | "mpath" | "path" | "pattern" | "polygon" | "polyline" | "radialGradient" | "rect" | "stop" | "switch" | "text" | "textPath" | "tspan" | "use" | "view" | ComponentClass<any, any> | FunctionComponent<any>>

    Returns FunctionComponentElement<ProviderProps<LinkedRenderStore<"symbol" | "object" | "a" | "abbr" | "address" | "area" | "article" | "aside" | "audio" | "b" | "base" | "bdi" | "bdo" | "big" | "blockquote" | "body" | "br" | "button" | "canvas" | "caption" | "cite" | "code" | "col" | "colgroup" | "data" | "datalist" | "dd" | "del" | "details" | "dfn" | "dialog" | "div" | "dl" | "dt" | "em" | "embed" | "fieldset" | "figcaption" | "figure" | "footer" | "form" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "head" | "header" | "hgroup" | "hr" | "html" | "i" | "iframe" | "img" | "input" | "ins" | "kbd" | "keygen" | "label" | "legend" | "li" | "link" | "main" | "map" | "mark" | "menu" | "menuitem" | "meta" | "meter" | "nav" | "noindex" | "noscript" | "ol" | "optgroup" | "option" | "output" | "p" | "param" | "picture" | "pre" | "progress" | "q" | "rp" | "rt" | "ruby" | "s" | "samp" | "script" | "section" | "select" | "small" | "source" | "span" | "strong" | "style" | "sub" | "summary" | "sup" | "table" | "tbody" | "td" | "textarea" | "tfoot" | "th" | "thead" | "time" | "title" | "tr" | "track" | "u" | "ul" | "var" | "video" | "wbr" | "webview" | "svg" | "animate" | "animateMotion" | "animateTransform" | "circle" | "clipPath" | "defs" | "desc" | "ellipse" | "feBlend" | "feColorMatrix" | "feComponentTransfer" | "feComposite" | "feConvolveMatrix" | "feDiffuseLighting" | "feDisplacementMap" | "feDistantLight" | "feDropShadow" | "feFlood" | "feFuncA" | "feFuncB" | "feFuncG" | "feFuncR" | "feGaussianBlur" | "feImage" | "feMerge" | "feMergeNode" | "feMorphology" | "feOffset" | "fePointLight" | "feSpecularLighting" | "feSpotLight" | "feTile" | "feTurbulence" | "filter" | "foreignObject" | "g" | "image" | "line" | "linearGradient" | "marker" | "mask" | "metadata" | "mpath" | "path" | "pattern" | "polygon" | "polyline" | "radialGradient" | "rect" | "stop" | "switch" | "text" | "textPath" | "tspan" | "use" | "view" | ComponentClass<any, any> | FunctionComponent<any>>>>


  • Type(props: PropTypes, _?: any): ReactElement<any> | null
  • Parameters

    • props: PropTypes
    • Optional _: any

    Returns ReactElement<any> | null




  • getLinkedObjectClass(__namedParameters: object, lrs: LinkReduxLRSType, labelOverride?: NamedNode): React.ReactType | undefined
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: object
      • label: NamedNode | NamedNode[]
      • subject: NamedNode | BlankNode | NamedNode & BlankNode | BlankNode & NamedNode
      • topology: undefined | null | NamedNode
      • topologyCtx: undefined | NamedNode
    • lrs: LinkReduxLRSType
    • Optional labelOverride: NamedNode

    Returns React.ReactType | undefined


  • limitTimes<P>(props: P, objRaw: SomeTerm[], lrs: LinkReduxLRSType, func: function, associationRenderer: React.ReactType): ReactElement<any> | null


  • Binds a react component to data properties.

    The current implementation only supports a one-dimensional array of NamedNode objects. And binds the underlying values to the props object with each predicate term as the key.

      const BlogPost = (props) => (
            <LinkedResourceContainer subject={props.author} />
      link([NS.schema("name"), NS.schema("text"), NS.schema("author")])(BlogPost)


    • mapDataToProps: MapDataToPropsParam

      The properties to bind to the component, only NamedNode[] is currently supported.

    • Default value opts: LinkOpts = globalLinkOptsDefaults

      Adjust the default behaviour, these are not yet guaranteed.

    Returns function

      • <P>(p: React.ComponentType<P>): React.ComponentType<P>
      • Type parameters

        • P


        • p: React.ComponentType<P>

        Returns React.ComponentType<P>









  • term(iri: NamedNode): string


  • toReturnType(returnType: LinkReturnType, p: Statement): Statement | SomeTerm | ToJSOutputTypes




  • useDataFetching(props: PropTypes, lastUpdate?: undefined | number, setError?: undefined | function): void
  • Fetches the {props.subject} if it has no data or is expired.


    {LinkedRenderStore#shouldLoadResource} for the triggering mechanism.


    • props: PropTypes
    • Optional lastUpdate: undefined | number

      The resource update time from {useDataInvalidation}, .

    • Optional setError: undefined | function

      Is called when trying to load blank nodes, otherwise the request will fail.

    Returns void



Const useLinkRenderContext



  • useResourceView(subject?: NamedNode | BlankNode, topology?: NamedNode): React.ReactType | undefined
  • Parameters

    • Optional subject: NamedNode | BlankNode
    • Default value topology: NamedNode = DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY

    Returns React.ReactType | undefined


  • useView(type: NamedNode | NamedNode[] | undefined, predicate?: NamedNode | NamedNode[], topology?: NamedNode): React.ReactType | undefined
  • unstable


    • type: NamedNode | NamedNode[] | undefined
    • Default value predicate: NamedNode | NamedNode[] = RENDER_CLASS_NAME
    • Optional topology: NamedNode

    Returns React.ReactType | undefined


  • withLRS<P>(Component: React.ComponentType<P>): FunctionComponent<Omit<P, keyof LinkedRenderStoreContext>>



  • withTopology<P>(Component: React.ComponentType<P>): FunctionComponent<Omit<P, keyof TopologyContextProp>>


Object literals

Const unstable

unstable: object

Prone to change


LRSCtx: Context<LinkedRenderStore<"symbol" | "object" | "a" | "abbr" | "address" | "area" | "article" | "aside" | "audio" | "b" | "base" | "bdi" | "bdo" | "big" | "blockquote" | "body" | "br" | "button" | "canvas" | "caption" | "cite" | "code" | "col" | "colgroup" | "data" | "datalist" | "dd" | "del" | "details" | "dfn" | "dialog" | "div" | "dl" | "dt" | "em" | "embed" | "fieldset" | "figcaption" | "figure" | "footer" | "form" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "head" | "header" | "hgroup" | "hr" | "html" | "i" | "iframe" | "img" | "input" | "ins" | "kbd" | "keygen" | "label" | "legend" | "li" | "link" | "main" | "map" | "mark" | "menu" | "menuitem" | "meta" | "meter" | "nav" | "noindex" | "noscript" | "ol" | "optgroup" | "option" | "output" | "p" | "param" | "picture" | "pre" | "progress" | "q" | "rp" | "rt" | "ruby" | "s" | "samp" | "script" | "section" | "select" | "small" | "source" | "span" | "strong" | "style" | "sub" | "summary" | "sup" | "table" | "tbody" | "td" | "textarea" | "tfoot" | "th" | "thead" | "time" | "title" | "tr" | "track" | "u" | "ul" | "var" | "video" | "wbr" | "webview" | "svg" | "animate" | "animateMotion" | "animateTransform" | "circle" | "clipPath" | "defs" | "desc" | "ellipse" | "feBlend" | "feColorMatrix" | "feComponentTransfer" | "feComposite" | "feConvolveMatrix" | "feDiffuseLighting" | "feDisplacementMap" | "feDistantLight" | "feDropShadow" | "feFlood" | "feFuncA" | "feFuncB" | "feFuncG" | "feFuncR" | "feGaussianBlur" | "feImage" | "feMerge" | "feMergeNode" | "feMorphology" | "feOffset" | "fePointLight" | "feSpecularLighting" | "feSpotLight" | "feTile" | "feTurbulence" | "filter" | "foreignObject" | "g" | "image" | "line" | "linearGradient" | "marker" | "mask" | "metadata" | "mpath" | "path" | "pattern" | "polygon" | "polyline" | "radialGradient" | "rect" | "stop" | "switch" | "text" | "textPath" | "tspan" | "use" | "view" | ComponentClass<any, any> | FunctionComponent<any>>>


LinkRenderCtx: Context<LinkRenderContext>


errorComponent: errorComponent


getLinkedObjectClass: getLinkedObjectClass


loadingComponent: loadingComponent


renderError: renderError


useCalculateChildProps: useCalculateChildProps


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method

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